Car Dealerships
You deal with clients who you hope will become long-term prospects, from per-sales through the sales process, and in your aftercare and service products. Getting information from your prospects initially is key – you want to sweep up those tentative browsers find finding out who they are. Once you have their details, you can send them your offers and remind them you are in the area.
Competition is strong within the motor industry, there are numerous manufacturers and dealerships looking to maintain existing customers in addition to gaining new ones. Once a customer enters the showroom either to purchase a new vehicle or service their current vehicle, how do you engage with them? Tempt them with your latest offer? Or simply promote your dealership and brand?
Car Dealerships are at the forefront of embracing new technologies and marketing methods to survive in an increasingly competitive market. No longer will a simple brochure suffice. Targeting your message to the right people at the right time is ever more important. Without accurate customer data, this can be a challenge. The rise of Social Media in recent years has given businesses new ways to connect with their customers and present their brand over more channels.
Car Dealerships can capitalise on this by creating new and engaging content that reaches a far wider audience. It is only useful if their content will reach the right people.
Introducing Social WiFi, a revolutionary new way to get to know and engage with your customers, while offering them a simple branded WiFi login platform in your venue. Using social media credentials, your customers log in to your custom-branded WiFi easily and simply, in return gaining you valuable and comprehensive data for effective and targeted marketing.

Free Site Survey
To discuss how Fusion WiFi can help your business, book your free site survey today. Speak with a member of our team on the number below or send us message using the form.